What flavors do you offer? Allow me to refer you to the Flavors page of this website. Good luck just finding one flavor to set your sights on!

What is your pricing?  Please refer to the Pricing page of this website. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.

*How much advance notice do you need for ordering cupcakes?   My no. 1 answer for this is: the more notice I have the BETTER, especially if you have a custom flavor request. I always explain to my customers, even if you don’t know yet the exact quantities and/or flavors of cupcakes - just letting me know the date and an approximate idea of what we’re looking at is HUGE. Also please note, my calendar is always first come, first serve. Once a given date/weekend is full - I am then sold out. Again, the more notice that is given the better.

*What do I need to know when transporting and storing cupcakes?   Once your order leaves my kitchen, whether being picked up by yourself or a designated individual, it is now out of my hands. I am no longer responsible. With transporting for weddings, pop-ups, or other large events, I know firsthand it can be alittle nerve-wracking. I would highly recommend…

  • Cautious driving. Come to complete stops, take sharp corners slowly, obey the speed limit, and the like. It is none of my business - all I can do is advise. However once again, when your order leaves my kitchen I am no longer responsible.

  • Placing the cupcakes on the floor or trunk of the vehicle (as the seats tend to have a bit of a dip/angle to them) most certainly helps as usually the floor/trunk is the most level portion of the vehicle.

In storing cupcakes to help keep their freshness, I recommend keeping at room temperature. Personally, I do not enjoy refrigerated cupcakes. The cupcake is all stiff and loses it’s tender texture. Additionally, I would store in a sealed container i.e. Tupperware or Rubbermaid to ensure it is completely airtight at room temperature. If you’d like me to go into even more into detail - I separate my “strong” flavors. Those flavors with either lemon, peanut butter, peppermint, and the like have a stronger aroma to them and can overwhelm the other cupcakes. I know, I know - I’m really nit-picking now. But it’s all little things that I have found to be true over the years.